How Do You Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, NUCCA chiropractic doctors


Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS can be quite difficult and sometimes frustrating. It takes out the joy in doing everyday activities like running around with your dog, bonding with the family, or even going to work. It can also become more challenging if it comes with symptoms like fibromyalgia, impaired cognitive function, and headaches.

If you have CFS or have been diagnosed with it, you may be curious about how you can find relief from your condition. You might even be asking yourself if you should seek the help of professionals such as NUCCA chiropractic doctors to help you with your problem. 

To help you manage your chronic fatigue syndrome and find lasting relief from your symptoms, we created a short guide below. Learn more about the condition, its symptoms, diagnosis, and your options for natural relief.  


What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

CDC estimates around 2.5 million people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However, the same organization emphasizes that the number may be larger, given that approximately 90 percent of CFS patients remain undiagnosed.

CFS Symptoms

Additionally, you won’t find a single diagnostic test to confirm if you have chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors mostly rely on checking for common CFS symptoms such as:

  • Extreme lethargy 

If you have been living with chronic fatigue syndrome or know someone who has it, you may be familiar with the extreme fatigue that comes with this disorder. It can interfere with your ability to engage in activities you usually do. 

  • Tiredness that can’t be relieved by rest

You feel so tired and weak, and the worst part is that not even a long night’s rest can help. When you wake up from bed in the morning, your arms, legs, and the rest of your body feel so heavy, you don’t want to get out of bed.

  • Symptoms worsen after mental, physical, or emotional exertion

Too much exercise, mental or emotional stress could trigger worse bouts of lethargy.   

  • Frequent occurrence of digestive problems

Stomach cramps and constipation can be a sign of CFS. You might also notice other digestive issues, including loss of appetite, stomach distention, and bloating even after a light meal can also indicate CFS.   

  • Impaired brain function

Some examples of impaired cognitive functions include difficulty in focusing or remembering things. You might also struggle with concentrating on a particular task. 

  • Vertigo and headaches

For most people with CFS, they experience vertigo or headache episodes that worsen when in motion. A typical episode can last for a few minutes but can easily extend to a couple of hours. 

  • Weakened immune system

Most of the patients who have CFS often complain about a weakened immune system. This means that you might be more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections such as sore throat or flu compared to the average person. 


When To Call a Doctor If You Have CFS

If you meet most of the criteria listed above, you may need to consult with your physician for validation. If your symptoms are getting worse or if you don’t see any signs of improvement, you should also get in touch with your physician for help. While there isn’t a well-established method used to fix CFS completely, you can use many ways to experience relief from the symptoms. 

Your doctor may cross-reference your symptoms with other pre-existing health conditions such as sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, and heart disorders. Be sure to offer as much information as you can to get an accurate explanation about your syndrome. 


What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

So, now you must be curious how NUCCA chiropractic fits into the picture. What can a chiropractor do to provide you with relief?  What’s the relationship between the neck’s structure and your health problem? 

As we’ve mentioned earlier, the root cause of CFS remains unknown. However, recent studies suggest that cervical bone misalignment could be a potential triggering factor of chronic fatigue syndrome. If you suffered from a neck or head trauma such as a whiplash injury before, you likely have misaligned upper cervical bones. 

It’s worth it to look into your neck’s structure, mostly if you have seen little improvement from other CFS management techniques. Your NUCCA doctor can gauge the level of neck bone misalignment through the latest digital scanning techniques. Then, using your diagnosis, your NUCCA doctor can provide the required adjustments to correct the issue. 


How Do You Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

The idea behind the NUCCA procedure is to correct potential neck bone misalignment. Initially, your uppermost neck bones, the C1 and C2, protect your brainstem. However, if their position gets messed up, even by the smallest degree, it could put immense pressure on the brainstem tissue. It also impedes the normal flow of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and even waste materials from the brain. When these things happen, it might trigger serious health problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome.  

With the help of NUCCA chiropractic, you may be able to see vast improvements in your chronic fatigue symptoms. Your neck bones can gradually return to their normal position through gentle and precise adjustments. NUCCA method adjustments can potentially relieve the stress on your brainstem and restore normal fluid flow. Ultimately, it could make a lot of difference in your life, allowing you to feel better and work on the things you love doing. Just imagine all the fantastic things you can do when you have enough energy and strength.


Find out more about the NUCCA method by getting in touch with a local NUCCA doctor near you.

