Welcome to the 15th annual UCRF Small Steps to Success Campaign
November 1 - November 30, 2023

Every year for the past 14 years, UCRF has promoted an awareness and fundraising initiative to help support our research efforts throughout the month of November. It is called “The Small Steps to Success Fundraising Campaign “. 

This year marks a historical turning point with the re-organization of both the UCRF and NUCCA organizations in terms of how the distribution of funds through the Gregory Circle memberships are handled. In previous years, all the funds from the Gregory Circle Residual membership have flowed through to support UCRF research. This year, the NUCCA organization is expanding their educational programs to include more involvement with schools and students. A need to financially support this important series of programs will now be supported by a portion of the Gregory Circle residual funds.

As a result, the fundraising that UCRF does through Small Steps is even more important and is central to support the publication of our ongoing research work.

As we have described, we are focusing on validating the outcome measurement tools of our clinical practices. This includes supine leg check, x-ray analysis, and x-ray positioning. We have published both the leg check and x-ray analysis papers. We have gathered data on x-ray positioning and are now working on writing the paper to publish the findings. 

The next area to research and validate is our postural analysis tools. A study is currently being designed and coordinated through Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU). This research will help us answer many questions related to the clinical application of our postural tools; the Anatometer and the GSA/PSA (Gravity or Postural Stress Analyzer). 

The future of our clinical work depends upon the publication of these important research studies. These studies impact everyone who practices NUCCA, and we are inviting everyone to participate in the fundraising efforts needed to publish them. 

Please get involved this year!

 You may also contact the NUCCA office for further assistance getting signed up and underway for the month of November. 

Our goal for 2023-24 is to raise $105,000 to fund the studies we are undertaking in 2024-25.

.View and share the 2023 UCRF Impact Report with your friends, patients and those with an interest in NUCCA research. There you will see a snapshot of the multiple UCRF projects that have been successfully achieved from our research efforts over the past 14 years.

All the resources you need to run this campaign in your office are here below

Admin Instructions (USA)
Admin Instructions (Canada)
Patient Letter (USA)
Patient Letter (Canada)

New! Poster with QR code
Canadian Poster
US Poster

Please contact the Upper Cervical Research Foundation (USA) at 1-877-558-0410 or the Ralph R. Gregory Memorial Foundation (Canada) at 1-866-342-4476 if you have any questions about how to run a Small Steps to Success campaign in your office, our research projects, or how to make a corporate donation.

Thank you again for your participation and support!