Your 4-Step Guide to TMJ Relief
TMJ, jaw pain chiropractor


Did you wake up to the feeling of discomfort in your jaw area today? Have you been trying to shake off the pain by moving your jaw but aren’t getting any success? You may be experiencing temporomandibular joint disorder. Many people have found relief with a jaw pain chiropractor to help their temporomandibular joint.

You can find a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on each side of your face. These joints make it possible for our jaws to open and close and move forward, backward, and sideways. A temporomandibular joint disorder can be due to various reasons. A case of inflammation due to arthritis can trigger this. In other instances, a misaligned jaw might be the result of a head injury.

Regardless of the causes of a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD), finding immediate relief is necessary. This condition can get in the way of essential activities like talking and eating. This article covers four steps you can take to, hopefully, achieve relief from TMJD pain.


TMJD Care Guide

1st Step: Home Solutions

These are some of the things you can do at home to get relief:

  • Facial yoga

Facial yoga may help relieve joint stiffness and muscle strain. Go easy and be mindful of how your jaw reacts to the movement. You can click the link to try this 10 minute facial yoga exercise routine.

  • Gentle massages

With barely any pressure at all, let your fingers lightly massage the affected area to dissipate any muscle tension. Some people with TMJD share that gentle pats on the painful side help as well.

  • Soft and small food

Prepare bite-size and soft pieces of your food while you are dealing with TMJD. Minimizing the need to chew will not aggravate your TMJ as much. 

  • Ice and heat packs

Don’t do both at the same time, of course. Start with an ice pack wrapped in a soft cloth and apply to your jaw for a few minutes. Then switch to a wrapped heat pack. Do the same until the pain starts to subside.


2nd Step: Managing Your Stress and Anxiety

Some people don’t notice this but stress and anxiety trigger tension. Your jaw pain chiropractor may identify mindless drumming of the fingers, fiddling of a pen, and grinding of the teeth as unconscious displays of pressure. The last involuntary act can progress and lead to a painful TMJD with noticeable results.

Try some of these things to handle your stress and anxiety:

  • Get into sports or start a hobby.

Shifting your focus to a fun activity is a great way to cope with stress and anxiety. So, if you’re not into sports or crafts, it may be time to play more.

  • Express it.

Talking to family members or loved ones about your stress triggers might help. Even if they cannot provide concrete solutions, the mere act of talking releases pent-up emotions. If you are not big on talking, then reach out for a pen and paper. Merely writing down your thoughts and feelings is another form of release. 

  • Move and move some more.

Workouts, dance routines, or basic yoga can help lower your stress levels. Many jaw pain chiropractor encourages people to find an activity that will get them moving and start coping with stress.


3rd Step: Seeking Expert Care

There are things that dental experts can do to manage your TMJD pain. Here are a few of them:

  • Braces or mouthguards

Suppose you grind your teeth, whether consciously or not, a dentist can fit you with a mouthguard that may stop you from doing so. If your teeth are uneven, you can wear braces to correct this. These dental devices may help you avoid another episode of TMJD.

  • Surgeries

This might be necessary if you have jaw deformities that inhibit the temporomandibular joints from working correctly. Make sure to get as much information from your surgical team before moving forward with this option.

  • Prescription medication

Some people are not able to cope with the progressive pain brought about by TMJD. As such, doctors may prescribe medicine to deal with the pain. Ask your doctor for any side-effects and contraindications of each medication. The goal is to relieve pain and not to induce other problems as a result of this approach.


4th Step: NUCCA Method 

Every jaw pain chiropractor specializing in the NUCCA method can help ensure that the neck and the body are fully aligned. This is a critical task because the body might not function at its best in misalignment cases. When an injury disrupts the alignment, some bones and discs may now be closer to each other. This can result in narrower pathways. A thinner opening can: 

  • Increase the pressure in the surrounding areas, which can lead to muscle tension
  • Prompt the nerves to send pain signals to the brain
  • Cause the brain to misinterpret information that will affect certain functions, including the temporomandibular joints’ correct movement.


A NUCCA chiropractor can complete a thorough evaluation to correct misalignment cases. One of the possible results is relief from TMJD pain.


TMJD Relief with the Help of NUCCA Procedure

We highly recommend you meet with NUCCA doctors in your area for a complete evaluation of your head and neck. They can determine if you have a misalignment may be impacting your posture, nervous system, and in turn your jaw. When the results of assessments and scans show that a realignment is possible, they use NUCCA’s gentle and precise procedure to achieve great results.

Check out our directory to consult with a NUCCA doctor near you for a full evaluation. Learn more about your condition and how you can take advantage of a natural healing solution.

