Whiplash: Chiropractor for Neck Pain and Headaches
chiropractor for neck pain and headaches


There are many misconceptions surrounding whiplash. When people hear the word “whiplash,” they immediately think about insane daredevil stunts and brutal accidents. However, this is a relatively common neck injury that may require help from a chiropractor for neck pain and headaches

Another misconception about this injury is that it only arises from car accidents or when moving at a “break-neck” speed. This idea is not accurate in many cases. To set matters straight, we’ll discuss four facts about whiplash along with examining how chiropractic may be able to help. But before that, let’s learn the basics about this injury.


What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is an injury caused by rapid, forceful movements of the neck. While most cases may come from road and sports accidents, whiplash may also result from any other activities.

The neck consists of bones, discs, ligaments, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves. Misalignment of the neck bones is common after a whiplash type injury. The top two bones in the neck called the atlas and axis bones, are frequently affected the most. These bones connect the base of the head and the rest of the neck. Due to their position and movement capabilities, they are more susceptible to misalignment.

This misalignment may lead to the irritation of the brainstem, spinal cord, nerves, blood vessels, cerebral spinal fluid, and brain which may result in other whiplash symptoms. Neglecting whiplash symptoms could lead to more severe health problems in the long run, so seeking care from a health professional is crucial to recovery.


What are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

Whiplash injuries may include the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty in moving 
  • Stiff neck accompanied by neck pain
  • Tight muscles in the neck and shoulders
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Muscle weakness and fatigue
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation in the arms

The impact of whiplash injuries varies from person to person. Some people might only experience mild discomfort. In some cases, however, some people might live with whiplash symptoms for months and even years. Whiplash symptoms may manifest within a day or two after the triggering event. 


4 Facts About Whiplash

Now that you know what whiplash is and its accompanying symptoms, it’s time for you to learn about the facts surrounding this neck injury.

1. Whiplash injuries are not only caused by car crashes.

Whiplash injuries may arise from many factors involving the head and neck and not just car accidents. For example, some whiplash injuries can be sports-related. Sports activities that involve upper-body movement, including the head and neck, can cause this injury. Boxing, soccer, skiing, football, and skating, to name a few, can lead to whiplash injuries. Even falling may also result in this injury. Physical abuse and assault can also lead to whiplash.

2.  Too much rest can delay whiplash recovery.

Resting for two to three days is helpful to recuperate from a whiplash injury. However, too much bed rest can make a recovery harder for an individual. Although, you should still refrain from doing strenuous activities that can worsen the injury. 

3. Whiplash injuries have symptoms other than neck pain.

When talking about whiplash, the immediate symptom we think about is neck pain. However, some whiplash injuries may present other symptoms. People with whiplash injuries may experience tinnitus or ringing in the ears, blurred vision, irritability, memory issues, sleeping difficulties, and concentration problems. A whiplash injury may also trigger anxiety or depression symptoms in some cases.

4.  Whiplash injuries do not require contact.

Chiropractors for neck pain and headaches reveal that a whiplash injury can be sustained even without a direct hit on the head and neck. When the head or the neck are subjected to swift motion, either front-to-back or side-to-side, this will likely result in a painful whiplash injury. Even when moving at only 5-10 miles per hour, the impact of a car collision may cause a sudden movement in the neck. This sudden movement may cause a misalignment in the neck which may lead to a whiplash symptoms. 


A Natural Method to Get Relief from Whiplash 

Seeking help from a chiropractor for neck pain and headaches as soon as you come out of an accident is essential. After sustaining your injury, your doctor will interview you about your symptoms and the event that caused the whiplash. This step is to determine the best recovery method for your injuries. The recovery programs aim to minimize whiplash symptoms and help you regain natural movement in the neck and shoulders. One highly effective whiplash approach is the NUCCA method of chiropractic. 

NUCCA doctors apply gentle adjustments to the neck, to correct underlying misalignments. NUCCA chiropractors for neck pain and headaches use three-dimensional x-rays to determine the type and severity of misalignments in the neck area. After the assessment, they will perform a gentle, safe, and accurate technique to guide your neck vertebrae into their optimal positions. This procedure can help boost healing and recovery rates, ultimately reducing the pain from whiplash injuries.

Do you want to experience what the NUCCA procedure can do for you? If you or a loved one was involved in an accident that resulted in neck pain or whiplash, reach out to a NUCCA professional near you.

