Welcome to the 16th annual Small Steps to Success Campaign
November 1 - November 30, 2024
Every year for the past 15 years, UCRF has promoted an awareness and fundraising initiative to help support our research efforts throughout the month of November. It is called “The Small Steps to Success Fundraising Campaign “.
The fundraising conducted by UCRF through Small Steps is crucial for the future of both UCRF and NUCCA, and it plays a central role in supporting the publication of our ongoing research efforts.
UCRF Student Research Scholarship Program
This year is exciting as we introduce a new UCRF Student Research Scholarship Program. We are offering five scholarships to eligible students who will mentor with a seasoned NUCCA doctor to write and publish a research paper. Each student will be awarded $1000 for completing their work towards this publication. UCRF is initiating the following projects to partner with the chiropractic students who qualify for the project.
- Resolution of trigeminal neuralgia with the ASC correction.
- Analysis of patient-reported outcomes following six weeks of initial NUCCA correction utilizing standardized metrics for changes in quality of life, function, and patient satisfaction.
- Quality of life outcomes as measured with SF 36 over 3 months with NUCCA as an intervention
- Golf performance as measured through GCQuad of low, mid and high handicappers measured before and after the use of the NUCCA protocol
We are allocating substantial time and resources to investigate the influence of the ASC on dizziness. We are working on three research papers, which will be written and published over the next year.
- A practice-based research network is being created to collect longitudinal data sets for dizziness and the ASC.
- A dizziness narrative review.
- A dizziness case study.
Validation of NUCCA Outcome Measuring Tools:
We are actively working on validating the outcome measurement tools used in our clinical practices. So far, we have published research on both the supine leg check and inter-examiner x-ray analysis.
- Radiographic Positioning Study
We have collected data to validate NUCCA pre-x-ray positioning and are finalizing a paper to publish these significant findings.
- Posture Analysis Studies
We are currently focusing on researching and validating our postural analysis tools. Three studies are in progress, one being developed and coordinated in collaboration with Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU). This area of research aims to address several critical questions regarding the clinical application of our postural tools: the Anatometer and the Gravity Stress Analyzer (GSA).
Prevalence of the ASC in the population:
A new study is being developed to assess the prevalence of Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC) in the general population, in response to recommendations from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The future of our NUCCA clinical work is built upon the publication of these critical research studies. These studies have the potential to benefit everyone who practices NUCCA, and we encourage everyone to participate actively in the fundraising efforts necessary to complete them.
Please get involved this year!
Please contact the NUCCA office for further assistance getting signed up and underway for November.
Our goal for 2024-25 is to raise $85,000 to fund the studies we are undertaking in 2024-25.
View and share the 2024 UCRF Impact Report with your friends, patients, and those interested in NUCCA research. It provides a snapshot of the multiple UCRF projects successfully achieved through our research efforts over the past 15 years.
All the resources you need to run this campaign in your office are here below
Admin Instructions (USA)
Admin Instructions (Canada)
Patient Letter (USA)
Patient Letter (Canada)
New! Poster with QR code
Canadian Poster
US PosterÂ
Please contact the Upper Cervical Research Foundation (USA) at 1-877-558-0410 or the Ralph R. Gregory Memorial Foundation (Canada) at 1-866-342-4476 if you have any questions about how to run a Small Steps to Success campaign in your office, our research projects, or how to make a corporate donation.
Thank you again for your participation and support!