What is Vertigo? Understanding Its Symptoms and Causes
what is vertigo, vertigo chiropractor


If you experience uncontrollable, dizzy feelings from time to time, it’s probably vertigo. A vertigo chiropractor can help you deal with common causes. But before you seek one, first, you must be able to pin down what’s behind your vertigo attacks. Let’s start by answering the most commonly asked question: what is vertigo?


What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a symptom that causes a whirling or spinning feeling. But in reality, there is no such movement that happens in your body. Therefore, it’s a false feeling that your environment is spinning around in circles, or you are the one making the uncontrollable spinning motion. Vertigo can be very unpredictable. It can afflict people suddenly without warning, and it can be temporary or long-term.

Vertigo is not a condition on its own but a symptom of other conditions. It may often connect to problems of the inner ear, sensory nerve pathways, or the brain. Episodes of vertigo can hit anyone at any time, but it is more common in people over 65.

If your vertigo attacks continue to occur repeatedly, it may lead to a mental health problem. Sometimes, psychiatric issues would lead to vertigo. When someone cannot regularly perform daily routines because of severe vertigo attacks, it may push that person towards panic, anxiety, and even depression.


What are the Symptoms of Vertigo?

Even though vertigo frequently a symptom of other health problems, it also has its accompanying symptoms, like:

  • Balance issues and lightheadedness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • A sensation of fullness or congestion in one ear
  • Headaches
  • Tinnitus 
  • Motion sickness

Vertigo is not a mere sensation of dizziness, but there must be a rotational motion for it to be considered vertigo. 


Central and Peripheral Vertigo

Peripheral vertigo and central vertigo are two basic categories of vertigo. These two differ in causes:

  • Peripheral Vertigo

It occurs when there is a problem with the balance organs of the inner ear.

  • Central Vertigo

It stems from a disturbance in one or more brain areas known as the sensory nerve pathways, and it frequently involves the cerebellum and the brainstem. These brain components are responsible for the interactions between a person’s balance and perception of vision. 


What Can Cause Vertigo?

Various illnesses have vertigo as one of their symptoms. Vertigo frequently appears due to an issue with the inner ear. Rarely, it can come because of problems in parts of the brain. So, here are some of those conditions that can cause vertigo:

  • Vestibular Neuronitis

It occurs as a result of the inflammation of the vestibular nerve due to viral infection. 

  • Cholesteatoma

It is a skin growth in the middle ear, which is a result of repetitive infections. If it grows too big, it will result in damaging the ear and also trigger vertigo and hearing loss.

  • Meniere’s disease

When there is fluid buildup in the inner ear, it will lead to vertigo attacks, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Meniere’s frequently affects individuals aging 40 to 60 years old.

  • Labyrinthitis

It is the inflammation of the inner ear labyrinth. The inflammation frequently is caused by a viral or bacterial infection.


  • BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)

This condition comes due to a disturbance in the otolith particles located in your inner ear. These otolith particles or calcium crystals touch your sensory hair cells within the semicircular canals whenever you move. Then, they would stimulate the vestibular nerve and allow it to transmit information and signals to the brain about your body’s current position. When a person has BPPV, the endolymph fluid continues stirring after the head movements have stopped, and it occurs because these crystals are in the wrong region of the ear. Thus, it would cause vertigo attacks.


What Triggers Vertigo Attacks?

To completely answer your question what is vertigo, let’s also take a look at the specific factors that can trigger an attack. Some examples include:  

  • Prolonged bed rest
  • Migraine headaches
  • Surgery on the ear
  • Certain medications (as a side effect)
  • Head or neck injuries (or trauma)
  • Syphilis
  • Stroke
  • Brainstem or cerebellar disease
  • Otosclerosis –a middle ear bone issue that can lead to loss of hearing
  • Transient ischemic attack
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Herpes zoster oticus – is an acute viral infection of shingles. Close to the ear and affects the facial nerve; aka Ramsay Hunt syndrome
  • Acoustic neuroma – a benign growth on the vestibular nerve that goes through the inner ear to the brain


How a NUCCA Vertigo Chiropractor Can Help

One of the best ways to know if something works effectively is to ask those who have tried it before. Another will be to check if it has shown success throughout the years. Are you familiar with the NUCCA technique of upper cervical chiropractic care?

There was a case study observing a 37-year-old woman who had vertigo and neck pain, among other things. Upon palpation, radiographs, and thermography, the doctor discovered that the woman had a misalignment in her upper neck. After 2 ½ months of NUCCA chiropractic care for vertigo, her symptoms had resolved. 

Misalignments frequently occur due to any of the following incidents:

  • Car accidents
  • Sporting injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Bumps or blows to the head or neck
  • Slipping, sliding, and falling accidents

A NUCCA vertigo chiropractor applies a highly precise, very gentle, and non-invasive procedure that realigns the misalignment in the upper neck bones. As a result, there is longer-lasting relief for patients. Numerous patients already experienced remarkable improvements in their various health issues through the NUCCA technique.

Now that you know the answer to the question what is vertigo and other related queries, you can began your journey to healing. Would you like to locate the nearest certified NUCCA vertigo chiropractor for vertigo today? Click the button below!

