Meniere’s Disease: A Quick Guide for Patients
NUCCA chiropractic for Meniere's Disease


Living with Meniere’s disease can be quite a challenging experience. It may also seem scary, especially if you experience severe symptoms like vertigo attacks, ringing in the ears, or hearing loss. Fortunately, approaches such as the NUCCA chiropractic for Meniere’s Disease are frequently providing lasting relief. Besides that, you can also tap into other lifestyle tips and tricks to keep your symptoms at bay. Get to know more about this vestibular disorder and how you can manage it with our comprehensive guide below.


Meniere’s Disease: A Brief Review

Meniere’s disease has been gaining a lot of attention on social media lately because of celebrities like Jessie J. The Price Tag singer recently shared to her online followers that she got diagnosed with Meniere’s. 

Like most patients, she reported the loss of hearing ability and severe bouts of vertigo. But what exactly is Meniere’s disease? How does an inner ear disorder cause several disabling effects? 

Meniere’s disease occurs when you have excess fluid inside the ears. It mostly happens when you have poor fluid drainage in your head. Studies explain that drainage problems can sometimes stem from a cervical spine misalignment. This is why many patients seek NUCCA chiropractic for Meniere’s Disease.

This abnormal buildup of fluids causes pressure on the vestibular nerve, which consequently interferes with the signals sent to your brain. As a result, you experience false motion (vertigo), fullness in the ears (hearing loss), and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).  

After an attack, you might also notice additional symptoms like losing your balance, poor muscle coordination, and extreme fatigue. 

Depending on the severity of your condition, you might experience spinning sensations and other symptoms for up to four hours. Your symptoms can also recur several times a week or stop for a brief period and come back months or years later. 


Risk Factors for Meniere’s 

Like every other vestibular disease, Meniere’s has a few risk factors. For example, it tends to affect adults over 40 years old. It can also affect those who meet the following criteria:

  • Has a family member diagnosed with Meniere’s
  • Has allergies or previously suffered from an infectious disease
  • Takes in excessive amounts of salt (mostly from cured and preserved food products)
  • Consumes excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol
  • Has hormonal imbalance or hormonal fluctuation (common during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopausal)
  • Has trouble sleeping
  • Has suffered from neck or head trauma (sports-related accidents, physical abuse, car collisions, etc.)
  • Has an autonomic nervous system malfunction


Managing Meniere’s Debilitating Symptoms

Meniere’s disease frequently has debilitating effects on your everyday life. When the symptoms start to show, you might have difficulty doing work, driving, or even just walking can be difficult. 

To avoid aggravating your condition, we suggest following simple and practical lifestyle tips for patients with Meniere’s, such as:   

  • Steer clear from sugary and salty food products as they can affect water reabsorption in the body.
  • Reduce intake of alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer
  • Stay hydrated all the time, especially when you do outdoor activities 
  • Avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate) in your food 
  • Avoid fasting or skipping your mealtime 
  • Eat more fresh food like fruits and veggies instead of preserved or processed products 


Medical interventions include using diuretics to get rid of excess water in your body. Some doctors recommend other procedures such as installing a hearing aid or using steroid injections, medicine for motion sickness, and anti-nausea. 

Besides practicing these tips and remedies above, you can also curb the effects of your symptoms through NUCCA chiropractic. NUCCA care is a specialized approach to healing which involves using gentle neck adjustments. It’s a popular option, especially among people looking for sustainable and natural ways to cope with Meniere’s. 


NUCCA Chiropractic for Meniere’s Disease

Your recurring vertigo attacks and other symptoms of Meniere’s may stem from a change in your neck’s alignment. This is a widespread problem that tends to occur years after an injury or maintaining poor posture. The cervical misalignment or shifting of the bones can also aggravate a pre-existing health condition that contributes to worsening your symptoms. 

When your neck bones shift from their neutral position, they can impede the flow of fluids from your head. This can cause or contribute to the fluid buildup problem. 

With a natural procedure like NUCCA care, you can potentially resolve that issue and restore the normal flow of blood and other fluids coming from your head and ears. Gradually, as you receive each adjustment, you can feel significant changes in your condition. The procedure also aims to restore your brain’s communication pathway, which usually suffers when you have an upper neck misalignment. 

The results of studies on NUCCA care for Meniere’s speaks volumes. Many patients attest to its promising potential in providing long-term resolution or relief of leading Meniere’s disease symptoms. A fine example of this would be the case study on a 45-year-old man. He has had Meniere’s for 12 years before getting an official diagnosis. 

After seeking a NUCCA doctor, he found that he had an upper neck misalignment. His uppermost neck bone shifted, stimulating the onset of the disease. After receiving 22 NUCCA adjustments, he reported profound changes in his physical well-being. The adjustments also helped him eliminate his vertigo attacks and hearing loss problems.

If you have tried various remedies but failed to see improvement, we suggest giving NUCCA care a chance. Contact a local practitioner of NUCCA chiropractic for Meniere’s Disease today.

